Return Manager Preferences

Return Manager Preferences provide settings specific to the Return Manager and log information for iTransact,CCH iFirm ,PortalSafeā„¢, and Tax Research and the Master Tax Guide services.

Preferences dialog box (Return Manager tab)

The following preferences are found on the Return Manager tab of the Preferences dialog box:

Reset to Default Sorting On Startup

By selecting this preference, you reset the order of returns and columns to the default every time ATX is started.

Show E-file Status Information for Selected Return

This preference is enabled by default. The E-file Status section is visible in Return Manager. To disable, clear the check box.

iTransact Merchant Services Client ID

Enter your service ID so you can access your information when you visit the iTransact Merchant Services website.

CCH iFirm

Enter your information so that ATX can integrate with CCH iFirm. In the CCH iFirm Website Address box, copy and paste your address from your CCH iFirm account email. To retrieve your API Key, log in as the Admin user, go to a Settings page within your CCH iFirm site and grant access to ATX Integration. CCH iFirm generates the API Key. Copy and paste the API Key to the API Key box. See API Key

PortalSafe Login Credentials

Enter your login information and ATX can automatically log you in each time you visit PortalSafeā„¢.

Tax Research Login Credentials

Enter your login information and ATX can automatically launch your subscriptions for Tax Research or the Master Tax Guide. If you do not know your login, use the CCH IntelliConnect registration email link to retrieve your information.

After making changes to Preferences, click Apply to save your changes and close the Preferences dialog box, or click OK to save your changes and leave the Preferences dialog box open.


See Also:
